Train the Trainer: Thanks for coming along!

Thursday 14-09-2023 - 15:05
Image for train the trainer

We're excited to recap our recent Train the Trainer event, where 8 staff members from 4 different SAs came together for an engaging and productive experience at City of Glasgow College. Our attendees actively participated in interactive sessions, diving deep into innovative training techniques. They collaborated, discussed, and brought forward their unique perspectives.

This event saw a wealth of creativity and innovative ideas emerge from the SA staff members. They not only absorbed valuable knowledge and skills but also contributed fresh insights.

Feedback from the event tekks us that 100% of Event Attendants eithere Agree or Strongly Agree that the topics covered were relevant and that participationn and interaction were encouraging.  Event participants felt tthat they did learn about differetn ways in which facilitation can be delivered so that trainers learn effectively. Some events atttendants mentioned they particularly enjoyed learning about the training cycle. 

100% of atttendants either agree or strongly agree that they gained confidence during the practical parts of the training, where they had a chance to deliver a short training session of their choice to their peers. 

Our "Train the Trainer" course aimed to create lasting impact, enhancing training effectiveness and giving staff memebers the opportunity to network with other SAs.

 If you missed out this time around, we're likely to be running the course again so please let us know if you'd be interested.

Stay tuned for more exciting DCSA initiatives and future training opportunities!  

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